St Mary Mother of God Church

213 Hornchurch Road, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 4TF
Tel: 01708 447761

Parish Priest: Father Mark Reilly

Assistant Priest: Father Frank Westcott

Parish Manager: Laura Stevens

Safeguarding Representative: Donna Coy 07710 926297
Parish Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9am-3pm.


In recent years, lay members of the Catholic Church have increasingly been involved in ministries which were once seen as being the preserve of the Priest.  At St Mary Mother of God we have many people actively involved in these ministries. 

Altar Servers have the important task of assisting the Priest, Ministers, Readers and congregation during Mass. There is an open invitation for new Altar Servers (children from the end of school year 4 onwards) to join the training sessions which are run each year.  Those Serving continually for over a year may receive The Guild of St Stephen.

Catechists lead our programmes of preparation for the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, First Holy Communion, Reconciliation, and Marriage. If you are interested in becoming a catechist please contact the Parish Office.

The Parish Choir sings at 11:30 Mass every second Sunday and on Feast days including Christmas and Easter liturgies.When required the choir can also sing at weddings and funerals.The Church Choir meet on Monday 8:15pm for rehearsals. (Currently suspended).

The church needs cleaning every week!
New helpers for our rota are always welcome.
Speak to the Parish Office if you would like to help this invaluable team.

Parent and Toddler group is on Tuesday 2:00pm - 3:00pm in the Parish Hall.

Lay Ministers of the Eucharist assist the Priest with the distribution of Holy Communion during the Mass. They may also take Holy Communion to members of the parish who are unable to attend Mass because of ill-health or incapacity. Very occasionally, experienced Ministers may preside at “Eucharistic Services” of the Word and Holy Communion, which take the place of Mass when no Priest is available.
Because of the sensitive nature of these ministries, new Ministers of the Eucharist, Readers and Catechists are usually commissioned at the invitation of the Parish Team. Members of the parish are, however, always free to propose names of potential ministers to the Parish Priest in confidence.

A small group of parishioners working each week on a rota basis.
We would welcome volunteers of any ability as training can be given.

The Rosary is taking place after all weekday morning masses and at 7:30pm on Thursday evenings.  All are welcome.



Please enter by the side door by the Van Meenen room.


There are so many reasons to join Girlguiding! We offer a safe, girl-only space in which your child can build confidence, learn new skills and discover who they want to be. We’ve got an action-packed programme with something for every girl, and we work to be truly girl-led in everything we do.  

Rainbows (Age 4-7)- Rainbows welcomes all girls for play, learning and tons of fun in safe space

Brownies (Age 7-10)- Brownies welcomes all girls for non-stop fun, learning and adventure

Guides (Age 10-14)- Guides is a relaxed space for girls to have fun, learn and be yourself.

We also welcome volunteers age 14 and above for those who wish to give back, gain skills and have adventures.

The 16th Hornchurch (St.Mary;s) units meet in the Parish hall every Wednesday in the school term. Please contact the team on 07961879299 or please register your interest online at


The Repository (or Piety Stall) is located in the former Baptistry, at the entrance on the left hand side of the church.
We have cards and gifts for all occasions, as well as Mass cards, Rosaries, Crucifixes, statues, etc., together with a small selection of children’s books.
We aim to be open after every weekend mass when possible.
If there is anything special you would like to order please speak to Pat in the shop, and we will do our best to get the item for you.

St Mary's has a successful and long-established Youth Club which opens every Friday evening. The Club operates a strict members-only policy.
To enquire about membership contact The Parish office on 01708 447761.