St Mary Mother of God Church

213 Hornchurch Road, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 4TF
Tel: 01708 447761

Parish Priest: Father Mark Reilly

Assistant Priest: Father Frank Westcott

Parish Manager: Laura Stevens

Safeguarding Representative: Donna Coy 07710 926297
Parish Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9am-3pm.

Donate to support the parish

To sustain the running costs of the parish, our main income was the offertory collection. The pandemic has affected our bank balance. The costs of the parish in terms of utility bills, council tax etc. have not decreased. We know that times are hard for some of our families and we will support you in any way we can. We would not want anyone to feel pressure to contribute. For those able to donate to the parish we are extremely grateful. There are various ways you can donate, see below for details.

Online Banking

For Online banking details are as follows:
Payee: St. Mary Mother of God
Payee Bank: HSBC
Payee Account Number: 51019058
Payee Branch sortcode: 40-13-22

Direct Debit

Set up direct debit directly with your bank using the following form (Bank Standing Order).


Post your offerings through the letterbox of the presbytery.

Gift Aid

Here are some examples of how much extra money your parish could get in just one year.

Weekly Amount GivenTotal Amount Given After One YearExtra Money From Gift AidTotal Amount With Gift Aid
How do I sign Up for Gift Aid?

All you have to do is complete a Gift Aid form and email the attachment to or drop off the completed form to the Presbytery Office. The form is available at the back of the church porch or via the Forms page.

How much tax must I pay?

You can Gift Aid all your donations, providing that the amount of tax you have paid (from your wage, salary, pension or investments) is more than the amount claimed. For example, if you give your parish £250 over a year, you will need to have paid at least £62.50 in tax.

How does Gift Aid work?

Once you have signed up for Gift Aid, your parish will need to keep a record of how much you have given. So you will be asked to put all your donations in special numbered envelopes or to pay by banker’s order or cheque. ‘Loose plate’ donations can’t be included because there is no record of the amount given.

What happens if I change my mind, stop paying tax or move?

You can increase the amount that you give or you can stop giving at any time, but you must notify your parish if you stop paying tax or if you change your address.

Can both a husband and a wife make a donation with Gift Aid?

Yes. If you both pay tax, you should both sign a Gift Aid form and make sure that your parish knows who is giving what. For example, you may both want to have your own set of numbered envelopes or you can tell your parish how you want the donation split.

What if I already have a covenant?

Your parish can still get back the tax that you have paid with your covenant but, if you want to change the amount that you give, you will need to sign a Gift Aid form.

What happens to higher rate taxpayers?

If you pay the higher rate of tax, you can also get back some of the tax that you have paid for yourself when you complete your tax return. What this means is that if, for example, you give £100 and Gift Aid it, your parish not only gets an extra £25 but you get £25 back as well – so it only costs you £75 to give £125.

Is Gift Aid confidential?

The amount that you give will be completely confidential and you don’t have to tell your parish how much you earn or give any personal details.