St Mary Mother of God Church

213 Hornchurch Road, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 4TF
Tel: 01708 447761

Parish Priest: Father Mark Reilly

Parish Manager: Laura Stevens

Safeguarding Representative: Donna Coy 07710 926297
Parish Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9am-3pm.

Stewards of the Gospel

Bishop Alan Williams invited lay people within the Diocese of Brentwood to put themselves forward to play an important role in shaping its future. Called ‘Stewards of the Gospel’, the volunteers use their talents to work closely with clergy, parishes and schools as part of the diocesan planning process.

The Stewards of the Gospel throughout the diocese have been given key tasks: To examine their own parish, to find out what is going on and to pave the way for a plan for better evangelisation in and by the parish. To begin to discern “which parish belongs to which” when it comes to working together in future.

  • To examine their own parish, to find out what is going on and to pave the way for a plan for better evangelisation in and by the parish.
  • To be a source of creative inspiration, looking for new ways to evangelise.
  • To be the voice of the laity when it comes to discerning the principles and priorities on which future plans will be based.
  • To be the voice of the laity when it comes to implementing the agreed principles in the particular local situation of their own parishes.

Bishop Alan Williams

We have to steer a course forward together for our common future